Monday, 23 September 2013

Day I don't even know... (Part two)

I started this round with the best of intentions, after seeing such good results last round. I did ONE of the scheduled workouts and thats it... i think ive weighed in once or twice, done none of these push up challenges i see people talking abt on facebook, no weekly challenges, ignored the videos and emails as its the same stuff from last round and not touched the forums.

Here it is, the good the bad and what I'm going to do about it... no particular order, just thoughts as they spill out of my head, down my arms and onto the keyboard so apologies...

- The last 3 - 4 weeks of my life have been interrupted by this gorgeous face...

Our new puppy. After the devastation of losing our two beautiful dogs to a deadly snake bite at the beginning of the year we have finally welcomed our new bundle of fluff and joy. With that comes toilet training, and feeding, and training and playtime. Pawrenting is basically a full time job in itself. There has been sleepless nights when the poor little dude has been up every two hours for the toilet, puppy diarreah and more. My boyfriend and I are SO in love with this stunning boy who is so clever and grows and changes each and every day.

I've also had more than one person tell me that their puppy was more hard work than their baby, and i believe them. If I had a real baby Tony Abbot would be paying me right now to stay home and be a sleep deprived mess not come to work and struggle though the day like a zombie on zzzz sorry i just fell asleep there!

So not to blame the puppy or make excuses but as I'm out of the house for 11 hours a day to work, the last 3 weeks has been all about him. Hence little excercise, and very little food prep.

- To join the gym or not to join the gym...

I intended on completing this round from home but there were a few things i didnt consider...

1) The programs require pyramid sets etc where you do the same exercise with different weights - which means constantly adjusting your barbell which is really annoying and time consuming

2) My garage is not bright and clean and nice smelling like the gym. And there is noone there to recognise me, or learn my name to make me feel like 'yeah! they know me - i must be doing something right'. My last gym i instantly felt alive and invigorated as soon as I'd stepped in the door.

3) Joining the gym relies on getting in the car and going - and even MORE organisation and time.

4) I have worked out that I really can only fit in a 30-45 minute workout in my day. I leave for work at 7am, come home at 6pm then god forbid spend time with the bf (when hes home from his fifo job) or puppy before cooking dinner, eating, cleaning up, prepping food for the next day then showering and collapsing into bed.

5) It would be safer to do things like squats & deadlifts at the gym with the appropriate racks etc.

6) I HATE meatheads at the gym, i HATE waiting for equipment at the gym.

7) I am going down to Fernwood tonight to check it out... I hope they have a decent weights section...

I feel overwhelmed...

I spend my M - F working and then coming home to cook, clean & prep, then I spend my Saturday cleaning, washing, grocery shopping and my Sunday finishing what I didnt do on Saturday and prepping food for the week with barely any time left for fun. Whats the point of being fit & healthy without getting to enjoy it. With bf working fifo i pretty much have to run the entire house myself, if only i didnt have to sleep...

Apologies for the complainey nature at the moment, hope to have something more positive to say soon


Feeling lost and need help...

Step one: confession...

I have actually only done ONE lean and strong workout... It's week 7... FUCK!!!!!

That's it - out in the open, no longer hidden.

Some serious thinking / blogging to do.

Why can't your blog give you kick up the butt when you haven't posted, that seems to be when I fall to shit..




  1. I had a trial at Fernwood recently and it was great, lots of free equipment and room to move without the meatheads. Unfortunately the closest one to me is about 25 minutes away so it just became too much of a hassle and I've just (today) joined a local gym 5 mins walk from my house. Myself and another 12wbt friend are actually completely restarting the round on this Monday coming and we text/facebook message each other regularly. Would you like to join us?

    I'm sorry to hear that life has been so hectic... gorgeous puppy though!!

    1. Oops I commented instead of replying! Which gym are you going to?

  2. Oh really, which gym? I think I need all the motivation and encouragement I can get!l
